Grow Your Pharmacy By Offering Online Ordering & Delivery Services
Chemist2U is a patient facing platform that allows customers to easily make prescription and over-the-counter medicine orders to be delivered to their home.Do more with Chemist 2U
Expand Your Business
Reach millions of customers across a network of telehealth platforms and healthcare providers and GP clinics.Get More Orders
Our platform makes it easy and convenient for patients’ to reordering & renewal their prescriptions for persistent conditions.Less Patient Management
Our dedicated pharmacy team takes care of the patient enquiries and medicine adherence needs. Pre-approving orders, so you don’t have to.Integrated Healthcare & Logistic Partners
Ready to get the most out of Chemist 2U?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cost to my pharmacy?
How do consumers find out about Chemist 2U?
Chemist 2U is owned and operated by Tonic Health Media.
THM is Australia’s largest health and wellbeing network with Televisions, digital panels and Brochure distribution boards in over 5,500 GP waiting rooms across Australia.
In addition to their primary care network, Tonic has an online audience across, and partner health sites of over 10million Australian users each month.
Chemist 2U will be promoted with a multi million dollar media spend across these locations as well as support with hyperlocal marketing across facebook and other digital media.
What is my territory and is it exclusive?
Can I secure more than one postcode?
Yes, you nominate all of the postcodes that you can deliver to on a “same day” basis. Whilst next day delivery is acceptable in some circumstances where orders may be made late in the day, this is not intended to be a postal service.
How do I register for my territory?
What is my territory and is it exclusive?
When you register with Chemist2U, you nominate the postcodes you want to deliver to. If your application is accepted, you will receive all orders from chemist2U users within these postcodes.
Don’t miss out on securing your exclusive territory. Register Today.
How are prescriptions handled?
The user uploads their prescription at the time of ordering. You will recieve a digital copy of this prescription to enable traditional dispensing workflow.
When the order is delivered, any paper scripts are collected and returned to the pharmacy.
Is it legal to dispense from a scanned prescription?
According to the Pharmacy Board Guidelines available at . A Pharmacy may dispense a medicine detailed on a hard-copy prescription which has been copied and transmitted electronically and provides the following guidelines for doing so.
Note: when Chemist2u products are delivered to a customer, the customer must present and hand over the original paper prescription for return to the pharmacy. Without this paper script, the delivery will not be completed.
This allows our pharmacy partners to comply with the following guidelines by both “sighting the original order” and “obtaining and retaining the original prescription or other accepted written authorisation“
How do customers pay?
All payments are made via credit card within the app. Settlement of those sales to pharmacies takes place on a monthly basis.
How does my pharmacy get paid?
Your pharmacy will keep all revenue from the sale of products via Chemist2U. All money owed to pharmacy will be paid directly to your bank account on a monthly basis.
A small credit card processing fee of 2.2% is deducted from payments collected via the app.
For example:
- During the month, you sell $1000 worth of products including prescription medications and OTC Products.
- At the end of that month you will be paid $978.00 into your nominated bank account.
Who does the delivery?
The pharmacy will do their own deliveries to their local area or use their chosen delivery provider (independant of chemist2u)
When does the delivery have to be done?
Chemist2u is promoted to consumers as a “same day delivery” service. We expect pharmacies will choose one or two delivery slots for each trading day.
For example: “order by 5pm for delivery between 6-8pm“
You can set your own delivery schedules to suit your driver availability and allow for efficient and timely processing of chemist2u orders.
How is pricing determined?
Pricing for OTC products is set using average retail pricing data from pharmacies across Australia. Pricing can be adjusted by your pharmacy.
Pricing for PBS items is based on the General Patient or Concession pricing published via the website.
Chemist2U is not a discount solution, we believe consumers will value the convenience of same day delivery.
Is there support for my store?
Yes, Chemist2U has customer and pharmacy support technicians available by phone and email from 9am to 8pm 7days a week.
The simple e-commerce app enables the purchase of both OTC and prescription items from local pharmacy partners.
Schedule 8 and some other sensitive categories are not eligible for purchase via Chemist 2U.